Sunday, June 1, 2008

Acting Jobs,Modelling Jobs

Acting jobs are those jobs in which it is a form of communication and the actors are the media through which writers' thoughts are communicated to audiences Personal characteristics like intelligence, sensitivity, keen perception, good memory and a sense of self-discipline are required by anyone wanting to enter the acting profession. Acting demands self-confidence, dedication, the will to succeed, the ability to adapt to different situations and the ability to deal maturely with criticism. In this profession one commands salary by the virtue of his acting skills and ability to strike the right chord with the audience. Salaries are different at different production houses. For working in television soap operas, one will be paid in the range of lakhs while one can be paid in crores when one is well established in the film industry. The success of an individual to covet a leading role can either be singularly or cumulatively dependent on a multitude of factors such as talent, luck, physical attributes, ancillary acting skills, creativity, acting education, passion and training undergone. Besides going from the bottom end of acting jobs to leading roles, another ladder to be climbed to reach the pinnacle of an acting career is the types of productions. As a start, actors who have succeeded in securing roles commonly begin with productions from smaller television markets or small production companies,acting agencies,acting audition,acting jobs,actors,actors jobs,become a model,casting call,model job,modeling job,models wanted slowly moving up to larger studio productions or television markets.

Modelling jobs are glamorous field, which offers tremendous opportunities to take trips and meet a variety of sections of people. Moreover once established it is a highly paid job. Ramp or catwalk modelling is a job in which models display the garments and accessories in front of a live audience. This can be at an exhibition or a fashion show, or at a showroom or point of purchase. Ramp modelling, thus, requires long hours of practice. Performing in a live show before an audience can be very stressful. It requires tremendous confidence and poise.Television modeling involves modelling before the Movie camera, to be used for Television commercials, cinema, video, internet etc. Modelling for video or films often includes some acting or dance and is mostly conducted on location. Female Modelling aspirant should ideally be at least five feet and seven inches tall. As for men, the taller they are the better for them. Being photogenic is also one of the key attribute. Camera friendly attitude, plenty of selfconfidence and grace while showcasing the products, are all vital in earning a name in this profession. Models usually make more money by partcipating in fashion shows and after this more people will know about them and through hard work only models can become famous and valuable.There should be lot of confidence for being in this career and this is a high salary job.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A modeling agency is a company that represent fashion models, to work for the fashion industry. These agencies earn their income via commission, usually from the deal they made with the model. Modeling agencies will require new faces on a regular basis. The number of models in an agency depends on the demand brought in by its agents and changes throughout the year. To this end, modeling agencies advertise in local phone directories in order to remain visible. Modeling agencies will require new faces on a regular basis. The number of models in an agency depends on the demand brought in by its agents and changes throughout the year. To this end, modeling agencies advertise in local phone directories in order to remain visible. A dry call is where models mail unsolicited comp cards to an agency. While this may work with smaller agencies, larger agencies are constantly being inundated with these cards and frequently discard unsolicited comp cards. Another option is the walk-in, where a model calls for an appointment at an agency and receives and interview on that particular date and time. The model then has an opportunity to quickly review with the agent past experience and show his or her portfolio. The most popular process is the open call, where an agency will advertise that on a certain day, they will allow anyone to show up for an interview. Depending on the popularity of the agency within the industry and the advertising done by its agents, anywhere from several dozen to hundreds of candidates could attend an open call. It is not uncommon to have a line extending for several city blocks.

Personal Requirements

  • enjoy artistic and creative activities
  • dedication and patience
  • tall (not so important for TV, commercial and photographic work) with a well-balanced figure
  • well-proportioned facial features and clear skin
  • a well-groomed appearance
  • able to project a confident image and outgoing personality
  • good communication skills are essential in promotional work.

For many actors, inspiration is something that happens at random. Some nights they go on stage and everything flows extremely well and everything they do has meaning. Other nights, nothing feels right and they stumble through to the best of their ability, uninspired.

The first man to address this issue was Konstantin Stanislavski. He was an Actor, Director and Producer during the late 1800's-early 1900's, and he formulated the first concise process for actor training, which he called ‘The System'. This later became the premise for ‘the Method', developed by Lee Strasberg. Within Stanislavski's investigation as to how the actor could inspire himself, he categorised actors into three types; creative, imitative and stage hacks.

Creative actors are able to stimulate their body to come alive on stage, using real experiences. They actually generate real experiences within their performances, which brings them to life.

Imitative actors are not able to have real experiences on stage, but imitate what the character is experiencing. For example, in a scene where the character has an explosion of anger, an imitative actor would not actually experience any anger, but would rather imitate what anger looked like. Imitative acting is very common to this day and can be seen in many soaps, where imitation is the standard.